Monday 2 January 2017


Hello Dear Ones – Get Set, Get Ready and hold on to your Horses! The first 17 days of this New Year will bring you one wild ride whether you desire it or not!

Tune in to yourselves and let it be. BREATHE, BREATHE, BREATHE and RELAX INTO THESE NEW VIBRATIONS. You are LOVED.

This is all we of The Christos will tell you. We are with you. Know this and you will enjoy!


Monday 5 December 2016


“During this time of worldwide strife, fear and hatred, not only in the United States, but everywhere, the only thing you can do is to keep your sacred or inner heart open with love and laugh, laugh, laugh.

It is your job – each and every one of you, no matter where you live, to break up the negativity surrounding the vast majority who are fearful and hateful. This is done through Love and Laughter. I, ALL ENERGY, cannot and will not tell you that all this will end by the end of this month in your time. However, I will tell you that I and ALL of THE CHRISTOS see this clearing sooner than you do. And again, I SAY it is up to you because you must work assiduously to clear what it is that you do not like in your world by using Love and Laughter.

You each have the tools within you. They are innate in all parts of livingness and are just coming fully into the forefront of you brains, minds and hearts for you to investigate and use. Yes, this takes some meditation, so for those of you not used to this process of mediation, you really know how to do it. If not, there are plenty of teachers in the Internet. Use them. Find the way that is right for you and remember to use the energies that surround you at all times to help you.

I AM with you at all times, no matter what your belief system may be. Use ME. I AM HERE FOR YOU. Come into my I AM PRESENCE and become a part of me as I AM a part of you. Use the Crystalline Light of The New Earth and The Violet Flame of Saint Germain at all times. Let them emanate from your inner or sacred heart. It is time to RESET your own inner workings as this is what is occurring on Earth now. This is the change you and we have been seeking. WE ARE ONE.”

Hello all! I am proud and happy to tell you that the little, but potent book ALL ENERGY has dictated through me will be ready both in soft cover and as an e-book in two weeks. The title is: WHY YOU ARE ALIVE NOW! It will be on and also on Create Space. I hope this helps you as it has helped me. Please feel free to write a review if you are so moved.


Thursday 3 November 2016


I AM ALL ENERGY and I WANT you to understand how what you are going through now works. Using your own I AM PRESENCE brings you to your innate reason for being now. It brings you to your own special God Self. No matter what your belief is, you are all part of Source, God, or ALL ENERGY because you are comprised of cells and molecules and therefore ENERGY.

To put it simply, you are in charge of YOU!

When you connect to your I AM PRESENCE you are really connecting to the energy that is all over your planet and your universe. This past month you have been beset by the physical changes in and on your planet creating tremendous storms with great damage and loss of physical life. Yet the vast majority of life forms are still in existence which should tell you that you are in preparation for an entirely new situation on your planet. This has also illustrated that you are not alone. Others rallied immediately to help not only the people, but the animal life forms involved. Still others prayed and even talked to the energetic essences of these storms to make them less intense than the weather services predicted. Thank you. It worked!

What should you do not only in times as mentioned above? Use your own innate powers to help these changes go easier on all involved, but know those who have left were meant to do so. Yes, you have the right to mourn. It is part of your being human because you no longer have the tactile ability with those who have passed and returned to their belief system of Source, or God, or ALL ENERGY. Know in your heart of hearts there is no separation, just a different way of communicating.

Your political situations are just illustrating all that must be cleansed and is being so. Yet, just reading this is only the beginning for you; Meditate, Pray, Believe. Your brains and hearts sending out constant LOVE with your I AM PRESENCE is the way for you to help with these changes.

The next two months will bring 2016 to a close but it will still have many situations where your assistance is needed and yes, I KNOW you are human and being so, you erupt over things that are besetting you. React, cleanse it for yourselves and let it go in Peace and LOVE. YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE LOVED, YOU ARE LOVED. NEVER FORGET THIS AND YOU ARE NOT ALONE. EVERYTHING YOU REQUIRE IS THERE FOR YOU. ASK FOR IT AND IT IS SO. To get the full benefit you do have to LOVE YOURSELVES, LOVE YOURSELVES, and LOVE YOURSELVES EVEN MORE. Loving yourself is not selfish. By doing so, you are LOVING THE I AM PRESENCE, THE GOD PART OF YOU. These words are potent. USE THEM.

N.B. Please note dear readers I do not write these words. I hear them and type them. Also, the next book ALL ENERGY has completely dictated will be out by December. The working title is: WHY WERE YOU BORN NOW? and will be found on Amazon and on Kindle. ALL ENERGY agreed it should be published as a small book since so many people prefer holding a book in their hands.


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Friday 28 October 2016

all-that-matters - Psychic energy healing | Spiritual energy healing

Click the image below to take a sneak peak inside the book.

Kindle Edition
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E-book, Paperback & Hardcover

REVIEWS: (from

New Age Entertainment by Dee Wallace – 10/21/2012 (5 Stars)

“I loved this book! Being a down-to-earth healer/actress, I so appreciated how Ms. Greer represents the principles of creation through fascinating story and metaphor. They should make a movie. Gee…I wonder if there’s a part… You will love this adventure. Dee Wallace”

Spooky Fun With Emma Epstein & her Felline Friends!” by S.L. Buckley-Tow- 2/21/2013 (5 Stars)

“Jean Gerson-Greer spins a delicious psychic mystery with “All That Matters.” Emma Epstein Ph.D. is our heroine and guide through some eerie and chilling sequences that have us traveling time, space and parallel worlds in this most intriguing who-done-it. Her two feline friends help Emma channel spirits, memories and epicurean feasts. JGG hits a home run with “All That Matters.” Fellow Readers-buy this book, curl up and have some spooky fun with Psychic Sleuth Emma Epstein and her amazing feline friends! EnJOY! All That Matters … S.L. Buckley-Tow [Tow rhymes with NOW]”

Business Details:
Psychic Channel Healer Teacher
Jean Gerson Greer, CEO/President

I was born November 12, 1940 with many Psychic abilities and extreme sensitivities to people, animals and surroundings exhibiting themselves at an early age. Coming from a unique family, I was allowed a semi-free hand with my life, but it was strongly suggested I go into Elementary Education so I could earn money while pursuing my goals which also included Theatre Arts, Opera and Musical Theatre. I finally did as I was told and graduated with the proper credentials in Education and began teaching first in Central Harlem in New York City and then in East Harlem where I earned another license in music education. for more information :

Tuesday 4 October 2016


I AM ALL ENERGY here to tell you very briefly that you are all doing so well that the entire Collective is pleased and dancing with joy. We know this from the posts we read on Facebook as well as from taking a peek into you and your lives.

You are finally using LOVE in almost everything you do!

You are healing! You are helping!

It’s breathtaking to see as your LOVE is working with these excessively vibrant energies coming in now through the end of your calendar year.

Now we ask you to add Forgiveness, Compassion, Choice and Joy to what you are doing.

We also ask you to be STRONG, to treat your bodies well and to rest as often as you can. This is essential for your well being during these times of great stress as the Shadows are flying up and out but causing their old forms of havoc as they are doing so.

Remember to ask for help as you need it.

Your I AM PRESENCE holds the Light you are NOW and emanates to all living beings on Earth to prepare them for THE NEW EARTH and the FIFTH DIMENSION as it is doing the same for you.


Friday 9 September 2016


There is a great deal to expect during this month, and it is all up to YOU! The energies have been given and will continue to be given through the end of this year, with an entire new set of energies joining in 2017.
Why do we, all parts of ALL ENERGY say it is up to you? Easy: You have to find the simple clue in the word and emotion, JOY, in order to bring everything to fruition for your own selves, your loved ones and your planet.

We have said many times before that Earth/Gaia is going through menopause and this is a truth. It has also frightened many and yes, has brought destruction to many parts of the different land masses. But this is all part of changing. It is not a punishment nor is it the end of the world. It is a natural progression that has not occurred in eons whereby the vast majority of the specie forms are still living. In all prior severe changes, those life forms left in one way or another.

However, there are many on Earth/Gaia who are leaving because it is their time. In your vernacular, their contract is up. This also has been said before in these blogs and elsewhere and it is time for a reminder because from this month until the New Year, many have so chosen to leave.

Those of you who are staying are the Lightworkers and your function is to get in tune with these new energies however you can and with your own hearts fully open and with your bodies connected to the crystalline core of Earth/Gaia send forth LOVE and LIGHT – YOUR LIGHT for that assists all who are working with you to bring in the necessary changes to co-create with you THE NEW EARTH.

Read and follow whoever you desire on the Internet – your connection with everyone and everything and make your own decisions as to which suits you best. To CO-CREATE means to be active in a POSITIVE and PEACEFUL way and this can be done without interrupting your life as it is. The POWER you possess is from your BRAIN AND YOUR HEART. Work with these parts of you well. Ask for help when you require it for there are multitudes ready and willing to assist and work with them to bring forth THE NEW EARTH. Look into the future you want and IT IS SO.

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Monday 15 August 2016


This past month you have been guided by different forms of All Energy. Ways of working have been given to you in Love, Joy and Happiness. Now it is your turn to put what has been given you to work, and to investigate this website for any private help you may require. Just look on the website but please note the prices are not written in stone. All Energy is more than willing to help you in this crucial time of change and the beginnings of your ascension (your own personal change which radiates out from you to the world and all universes!)

Now is YOUR time to activate yourselves, to go deep inside and pull up what you were born with, your own innate strength given into your DNA/RNA from the beginning of Time.Know all of the genetic markers have been changed (Epigenetics.)You have done this before on other planetary existences and the knowledge is still there. You are a culmination of many facets or parts and it is up to you to accept and love what you are no matter what you have ever done anywhere, or how you look or how you feel.Your past stores are no longer valid. Create NEW ONES!

You are here for a purpose and that is to KNOW you can achieve this because it is rightfully yours as given to you when you entered your first contract with All Energy at the very beginning of your first existence anywhere. This is true for all life forms, but the human life form in existence today has just begun to realize this. It was long hidden from you but all that has been uncloaked because your planet is changing as you well know. The ancient oppressions are no longer there unless you want them to be so. It is your choice as is EVERYTHING.Your past stores are no longer valid. Create NEW ONES!

It is completely understood that you can easily vacillate between what you know is the way you should go and then something or some thought or some pain comes up and backwards you go. Immediately stop what you are doing, open your heart wide and listen for that inner sound, the Light and the Presence of All Energy. It only take a moment to do this and you may have to do it 50 times a day but it will work. You see, dear ones, you are innately your own teachers. You are all shifting surely into human luminous light bodies through these changes in your thoughts, brains, and bodies. How wonderful!

Follow your path in righteousness and love and you will succeed.


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