Wednesday, 9 December 2015


If you think this year has been totally insane in many ways and a true whirlwind, just wait! Earth and quite a few other planet and star systems are all going through the same thing. However you are receiving great assistance from the star systems and planets that have already gone through these changes. Some of them have completely changed even eons ago and are therefore guiding you, their descendants in human physical form. For each of you has passed through these systems on your way to becoming human beings on the planet Gaia. And what is more, you remained on these systems in order to bring back the immense knowledge you do have and are just learning to tap into. While on Earth, you were “put to sleep,” until the time was right for everyone to awaken and remember.

We will not go into the history of this here, for it is well known, but suffice it to say it was done by those who came before you to control you and enslave you as well as to see what you would do. Remember, Earth was a test planet but all this changed as of 12/21/12.

Well, dearest ones, you are no longer slaves. Each one of you is a Master – a Master of yourselves and those within your family structures as well as a Master in charge of your planet and all that is going on that does not fit into your heart and brain as being ethical.

You know right from wrong deep within your inner/sacred hearts and your brains. Your mind is that part of you which has the lists of what you need to do during your daily lives and it chatters to you constantly which is why so many call it the “monkey” mind. However, monkeys, when they chatter are actually communicating with each other so we do not use that term often. Instead we say it is that part of you that connects you to the dimension in which you are existing.

The vast majority of you are between the fourth and fifth dimensions believe it or not even though it seems to you, you are still living in the third dimension. However, so many of you have learned you can “stretch” time and do other amazing, miraculous things including healing when you make your ‘mind’ up to get completely well – that’s using your inner heart and your brain, which is a fifth dimension situation. Interesting isn’t it? You are also finding that age has nothing to do with the change of tastes you require for your sustenance. It just seems more natural and you are even allowed to satisfy your junk food craving, but not extensively. This too, is fifth dimensional thought pouring into you. Your DNA is being added to so that the original 12 strands become present as you go further and further into the fifth dimension.

It’s all very amazing and will continue at a rapid pace during this month, so don’t be surprised. Accept it. This is the ascension coming into you so that you are ready for The New Earth and The New Earth is ready for you. Download from Amazon, ALL THAT MATTERS or BEYOND given to our scribe a years ago. They tell a very similar story and were given quite a few years ago. IT IS SO.

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Tuesday, 27 October 2015


First an announcement: I will be a guest speaker on Greatest You Summit’s upcoming Series 5, hosted by Christine Williams. This series starts October, 5th 2015. I invite you to join me and many other speakers who can clear, unblock, repair and restore you to a better energetic state. Greatest You Summit’s intent is to help and guide you to blossom into your light. From a spiritual perspective Greatest You Summit brings you the speakers who can transform your life and boost your awareness with their processes, activations and gifts.

I am happy to share that I am scheduled to speak on OCTOBER 23, 2015 and my topic is – HOW CAN WE GET THEHELP WE NEED, and much more! The times are: 5:00PM PST / 6:00 PM MT / 7:00 PM CST / 8:00 PM EST. Don’t miss out, we enjoy and appreciate your participation and interaction!

Here is the link to get this invaluable information at no cost to you with complimentary gifts for signing up, valued over $497. The telephone link and code will be available and posted on my website the day before the show at the latest!  Click the link below also to get the pertinent info!

Now to the monthly Blog: We have been bombarded by so much this past month it is incredible that we are all still standing! A two-day Solar Eclipse (depending upon where you live,) a ten day New Year (Rosh Hashanah,) which brought in more great vibrations and the Lunar Eclipse together with the Blood Red just a few short days ago. Please remember that all of the energies for all these events start before the actual date and continue after the event is over; plus the gamma rays from Wave X (very potent) and mantle plumes from the Earth’s core helping Earth and us along by affecting us all. So of course you become discombobulated and everything seems to be too much for you to handle; what is more, three cities on our East Coase were blessed with a visit form the radiant Pope Francis who taught us all once again, about Love and true Humility spreading his Love, Love and Gratitude for all religions and all people. This was not only attended by the thousands but watched many, many more who felt the effect even through the TV!

Have you noticed your tempers are up? I know mine has been but I have figured out that I can control it by realizing all this will pass quickly if I LOVE MYSELF, LOVE MYSELF AND LOVE MYSELF MORE! I’ve also found that the secret to existence now is FORGIVENESS WITH GRACE and this has given me even more hope that The New Earth will become am actuality in my lifetime. I have also been given what my main objective is in doing these blogs and the Facebook posts: I have found my Soul Purpose and aligned my Higher Self and my Soul Purpose with my physical self in all dimensions. If this interests you, contact me. There are special arrangements that are being made 

Oops! Here come the Big Guns: “She is so right on all levels because something wonderful has transpired on this planet Earth/Gaia and on all others as well because as goes Earth/Gaia, so goes everything else in all universes. There have always been both positive and negative forces everywhere. If this were not so, every single planet and star system that supports any form of life would be perfect without any stress or stressors.

“As you well know, FEAR is the cause of unrest within yourselves and all else. And the so-called negative forces were afraid they would be done away with completely and not become a part of The New Earth. This is not so. Everything will be brought into this newness but with a different Light. It is the Light you are creating using the Violet Flame and the Liquid Golden Light as well as the Emerald Green of true Heart Love, and the Pure White Light of Source. If you use these frequencies of Light constantly, whatever you are going through will be easier for you and for those involved with you. You will even find an easing of your original situation and yes, you can send these light frequencies to anyone you know at any time, even without their knowledge. It is the choice of their Higher Selves to accept them, and two to one, the Higher Selves will gladly accept them and translate them into the brains, hearts, minds, and physical forms of those involved.

“Love and Bless everything surrounding you and yours with these frequencies. You will see a great difference and know that whoever has passed over in your lives no matter whether they be human or otherwise will always be with you. Give them time to rest and recuperate and then feel free to communicate.

“Be stalwart in all of your intentions and work within the Source of your belief systems and all will be easy for you. Use these frequencies of color and find their sounds for yourselves and feel the difference they make in your own lives. Know that when you use the phrase, I AM, you are aligning yourself fully with Source. For I AM THAT I AM is the word for Source no matter what your belief system is. Many others over many universes are living on systems that are changing just as Earth/Gaia is changing. This must be in order for the new growth to occur, for you are not alone nor have you ever been. Figuring out what has gone before for you will help to help to create this change now, and the changes that are to come. TRUST in what you discover for yourselves. Know that the roots of whatever it is you are experiencing or having trouble with comes not only from this lifetime, usually in your childhood, but has occurred before in many other lifetimes elsewhere from your very beginnings no matter where they were and still are because everything is still occurring according to the Time/Space Continuum and therefore in the Quantum.

Know in your heart of hearts we have all been there no matter where we are now or how we show ourselves to you in whatever way your belief system allows. KNOW WE ARE ALL ONE, and there is not one Being who has not experienced a physical existence in its entirety in other universal places but also on Earth/Gaia. This is how we know and understand you so completely. We are your history and having been there have sworn faithfully to All Energy that we will continue to be with you and to assist you if you so allow us to do so.

One other very important point must be made before we conclude this Blog: You all ‘feel’ what others are going through in one way or another, therefore you are all Empaths to one degree or another and as such must clear your auras and environs at the end of each day. This can be done mentally and or through a mantra you create or a prayer OR you can ask us to assist in brushing away the vibrations you picked up during your time before sleep, or even use your own hands brushing upwards from your feet to beyond the top of your heads to cleanse your auras and renew your chakras.

This is why you and we are here – to constantly cleanse and renew ourselves and everything connected with us. IT IS SO!”

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Wednesday, 2 September 2015


Welcome Dear Readers,

This month’s Blog is in the form of a letter from my channel to you. I’ve been told this will be short and sweet with much food for thought for all of us.

“You are all in the process of changing in a wide variety of ways because you have so asked and also because all universes, planets and stars and their inhabitants are changing as well. You have made decisions to break some bad habits and even if you have kept them for only a day, it is a new beginning and the habit will just go. You are also finding your bodies and physiognomies are changing and this may even be without your direct asking.

FEAR NOTHING. You have all asked for this in your sleep states and it is being given to you. Much has been said about 2015 being the year when the veil has dropped completely and the help is right there but must be asked for and this is Truth and you have done so either consciously or otherwise.

We tell you to keep up the good work whether you are totally aware of it or not. This is all in preparation for The New Earth and YOU on The New Earth. Keep your brains, minds and hearts wide open and create what you want. Use your pituitary and pineal glands which run your physical forms to assist. Don’t know how? Investigate them, ask them.

No matter what you are doing or when, be yourselves and do so in Love. Love for yourselves which is the essential part of existence because when you Love yourselves you Love All in Existence no matter what is occurring in your current lives. Remember please you are all living in dimensions above the third and you do float back and forth between them. Be strong and faithful in your beliefs and in YOU.

All of this is occurring because YOU HAVE SO ASKED. Use the Violet Flame and The Liquid Golden Flame all the time. See them, live in them and all will be as you want it to be. IT IS SO.

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Sunday, 2 August 2015

WHY?!? or DO I HAVE TO?!?

Hello All!

I know, I know! There are very few people I’ve encountered who have not been asking a compendium of the questions given in this title and a multitude more. This made me question, what is wrong here. What we do not realize is that it is time to choose to either stay and be a part of The New Earth, or leave.

‘DO I HAVE TO’ is simply a question of choice and the choice is ours. Personally, I intend to stay until I am kicked out and this is the first time I’ve said this. In the past, I joked about the footprint on my rear end because I really didn’t want to come back here to begin with but with all that’s going on now, I simply refuse to leave, and that’s my truth. I’ve made my decision and I now float happily in The New World most of the time, and often have to remind myself where I am in my current reality.

It is all a matter of frequencies and vibrations. One can easily put oneself into any frequency or vibratory rate one chooses. All one has to do is ASK and it will be so. There are many. Many communities across the Internet where like-minded individuals have gathered to help promote the courage and understanding of going through this momentous change. All one has to do is to seek them out. If you are receiving this Blog, you already understand what’s going on even if it’s not on the surface of your consciousness, otherwise you would not have asked to be a member of my website.

Is it your fear of change that is preventing you from realizing what’s really going on? Are you too inured in the media that surrounds us all or in your own private pasts? Just because we are changing does not mean we forget or do not pay attention to what goes on around us. It is our function to bring The New Light into The New Earth. What is this New Light? It is a compilation of the crystalline energy of Earth-anchor yourselves into Earth, The Violet Flame of Saint Germain, A Liquid Golden Light, and Deep Purple Liquid Light and of course, The White Light of The Christos and Source. These New Lights flow in and out of you to aide you in achieving the frequencies and vibrations you are ready to receive. Call on them all and utilize them!

We are not alone. In point of fact, there were many groups from other planets that have been with us, many of whom helped to create humans as we are now. There has always been assistance prior to each geological Earth Change no matter what name this planet was given or where it was placed in this galaxy, but during this Now Time, the assistance we crave to help keep us steady with forward movement is right here. Again, all we have to do is ASK and this goes for any and everything. But there is a caveat: ASK IN LOVE BECAUSE LOVE IS THE ENERGY OF SOURCE or whatever you believe in as The Creator. If we begin to keep LOVE in our hearts and brains and minds we cannot fail because we become the creators, ourselves. Create wisely, dear friends. It is up to us with the help so readily available. I will leave you with this quote: “In order to be a realist you must believe in miracles.” David Ben-Gurion

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Thursday, 2 July 2015


This age old quote from the Bible, and actually in all the Holy Books, is your key to all that is for you now and forevermore. The secret to this quote is the word, “THAT.” It is all inclusive of everything you were, are, and, yes, will be, because when you use I AM THAT I AM, you are declaring your rightful place as the God of YOU in all of your parts from beginning to beginning to beginning, and bringing them into your now reality in this wondrous time of change for yourselves and for your planet. Once you understand this, then the ability to ‘Ask and ye shall receive’ becomes a prominent reality for you to use every moment of every day since the way to receive what you ask for is open now. You are really everything that exists – the trees, flowers, animals, vegetable, minerals and even all man-made objects because you all have the same frequency and vibration – I AM THAT I AM.

First though, you have to realize your own power and stop giving it away to others. You need to be steadfast and strong no matter what is occurring around you. This is a time of great change in so very many ways, not only in weather patterns but within the interior of the earth and the solar energies released by the sun spots. And you are not alone in these potent changes. They are occurring everywhere and in every dimension. .All this is a cleansing even though it is most definitely not pleasant for so very many. You have learned you can stretch Time, and now you can also begin to understand the power you have and yes, even control the severity of weather patterns sent to heal portions of the planet. Ah, you feel you cannot do this? There is some truth here because you cannot always do it alone. It is a matter of the group mind, all of those involved, that will lessen the severity of the problem. You do not have to gather at one place to do this – it is just a matter of those involved all thinking the same thing to move the patterns to less harmful areas or to dissipate the patterns completely.

We know this seems overly simplistic to many but it really isn’t. So much of what is occurring now is doing so to help the populace involved to rethink the processes that have been with them for so very long, since it is these thoughts that have contributed to the havoc now occurring, and are a great part of the reason for the creation of The New Earth. Many of these patterns, age old as they may be, have come from fear. When you FEAR, you are giving your power away; and you give it right back to FEAR which is always hungry for more power. It is up to all on the planet to stop this. Trust in yourselves and in Source, or God, or whatever you want to call the Energy of Creation. Just BE within your own stability, strength and belief.

This is not to say, our scribe does not fear. She does, but she has learned to call upon her Angelic Team of healers and others to help her when a condition arises she is unsure of, or if she feels ill and/or out of sorts. If necessary, go seek medical advice since it is there for a reason – to help. Use every trick in the book you have learned including meditation and asking for assistance from others, but remember not to give them your power. That is yours and yours alone. Asking for help does not mean giving anything of yourself away. You are just searching for answers for yourself and our loved one. Ask and it will be.

If you have not already done so, find out who your guides are and ask them for assistance. You can even ask those of your family who have passed over to assist. They are always with you. Listen in the quiet of your mind for that voice within your ears or even the itching of your ears. This is Source speaking to you letting you know you are in your power and that Source is right there with you. There is one caveat here: YOU MUST ASK BECAUSE NOTHING CAN BE DONE WITHOUT YOUR PERMISSION.

Please know that FEAR is the opposite of LOVE. This tells you THAT you must love yourselves, love yourselves, and love yourselves more. It you do not love yourselves, you will live constantly in fear and not be able to pull yourselves out of the complexities created by you in being fearful of any and everything occurring.

This does not mean you cannot slip into fear based situations. You all do and so do we, but we allow the fear to pass through by sending it LOVE and talking to it and comprehending its source. We then send this fear or problem that has created this fear to All Energy to be brought into purification and returned as useful, positive energy for us and for every part of life to use. AND SO IT IS.

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Monday, 8 June 2015


Everything is moving rapidly now. Time, the weather patterns, everything you can think of and you must move with it. How do you do this? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE and understanding of everything that is as it should be. We know how hard it is for you to believe this with what you are going through emotionally, physically and psychologically right now, but we ask you to TRUST US and trust your Inner/Sacred Heart and the guidance it is receiving. Listen well to the wee, small voice within. You are NEVER alone. All forces that ever were are now back, ready and willing to be called upon by you, and all you have to do is ASK. In the Bible, “to Ask” is to CLAIM AND DEMAND. Do it. Know in your heart of hearts you will have all the help you require.

You can do this through meditation or just by BEING aware of who is with you no matter what your current condition. Help is being given. If your problem is physical, tell your injured cells they are healthy. Keep doing this and they will respond because every cell has a mind as do you BUT you must tell them to be pure and healthy as they were at the beginning and that all past existences are healthy too no matter what you received this time genetically.

By doing this, you are not only healing yourselves but Earth for you are a part of Earth. Anchor yourselves deeply into Earth and into whatever you call your belief system. If you are atheistic or agnostic, anchor yourselves into Earth and the Sky. It is the same difference.

There is much for you to contemplate here so this ends now. IT IS SO. DO IT AND YOU WILL SEE SUCCESS!

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Monday, 11 May 2015


Hello All!

“Once upon a time, way before Earth is as it is today, the populace had to ask the Gods for help and give copious gifts to these Gods usually in the forms of the crops they gathered or the meat they had, leaving them very little for themselves and their families. Those ‘gifts’ were always taken by the religious leaders and/or the self-appointed “chiefs.” To reiterate, that was eons ago. And as you well know, times have changed since those very early years upon Gaia/Earth, or have they, we hear you asking? But more on this at a later time. Please continue reading.”

 “IF, and we mean this in capital letters, you think all the changes you have either witnessed or read about in your history books were momentous, just hold on to you hats. With the thinning and now dropping of the veil of separation between humans and All Energy, there is an even closer bond between each of you and your recently departed relatives. Please note we say recently departed, because those souls are the ones closest to you and the planet and have memory as to the latest round of events experienced personally by YOU. They can reach you and you can, if you so desire, reach them at any and all times, no matter what they or you are doing. They are as close to you as you are to you, and since you were together for their physical existences, even if it seemed they didn’t care about you or were abusive, they have been transformed due to what they have learned during their physical lives and are now available to assist you. You may have already found that out, especially if your own physical systems had not reacted normally on a daily basis but are doing much better now. Even if your recently departed family members gave you genetic structures that malfunctioned within you, they are there to help you now, together with all of the Ascended Masters of Healing and All Energy, to bring you, who are still in physical form, surcease from your trials and tribulations, otherwise known as ‘suffering.’”

 “It was beaten into you that ‘suffering’ was the only way to achieve ‘heaven’ and this is true of just about every modern religion. However that is not a truism. It was foisted upon the populace to keep them (you) under control. Well, my dear ones, this no longer exists therefore, it is time for you to bless your old beliefs with love, and give them a strong but gentle kick out of your conscious mind, and most importantly, your subconscious mind. How best to change the subconscious? Take pen or pencil and paper and write over and over (at least 25 times a day) that you are free from the ancient ingrained patterns that have held you down. Speaking a Mantra and writing it are two different things! Writing it solidifies what it is you are seeking because it transfers from your brain, mind, via your hand to your subconscious. This used to be called ‘Rote Memorization’ and it worked. With all the modern ways of writing these days, it has been forgotten and thrown into disuse, but it must be brought back because the subconscious mind is a very special and secretive part of your totality and maintains what it has been given as truth as stead fastly as you maintain your homes and families. What is more, it holds on to beliefs that are no longer needed as you head, slowly but surely into The New Earth. It needs to be honed and cleaned out of the old no longer used thoughts, thoughts that have prevented you from achieving all you want for you and yours.”

 “This of course, brings up the idea that most people believe that death if finite. It isn’t. Nothing is finite. If it were, there would not be any stories about hauntings nor would you have people who can really call upon those passed over for you to speak with, but now, you can do this yourselves. The age of mediumship extends to you of Earth, for not only is each and every person empathic, each and every person can now contact their relatives if they so choose, but know, even if you do not choose to do this, your recently departed relatives are translating your problems to your own Angelic Forces, who, in turn, are waiting for you to ask for help.”

 “There is one caveat here that must be considered by you. All of your ancestors from Beginning to Beginning need to be brought into this newness and this takes work. Ancestral clearings can be done for you as there are many who are all over the Telesummits and radio pod casts who do this or you can try it for yourselves. However we must tell you it is not always a one shot deal. And this must never be done in anger but with deep love for all you have learned about yourselves.”

 “Here is where you use your imaginations. Go into a mediation to do this: First allow the crystalline cord that is your connection to everything, emanate from your inner/sacred heart (your Love Center) through to Earth and pull up the crystalline Earth energy into your being. Then see that same cord reaching and touching All Energy and let that too, sweep into your totality. Take your time with this. There is no rush. Remember to breathe! You are now connected on all levels. Next see yourselves standing near all that ever was you and all of your parts. They may look like shapes and nothing more. That is fine. Introduce yourself to them, thank them for all they have taught you through their own histories and their genetics; now see them surrounded by liquid golden light. Ask their own Angelic Forces to come in to assist them and you. Let this light pour into them. Now bring in the Violet Flame of Saint Germain and a deep purple light and have this bathe them as well. You may have to explain you mean no harm, you just want them to be happy, healthy, and free from their own suffering and that you love them dearly and forgive them in gratitude. Forgiveness, Love and Gratitude are the keys here as they are the precursors to Freedom. When you feel a release, again send your love and thanks and forgiveness and gratitude. You may feel an instantaneous change within yourselves or it may come in a day or two, but feel it you most certainly will. Do this as many times as you need for you have all been around for a long, long time in many shapes and forms and on many planets. Your total life experience is multitudinous for you have always been and will always be all parts of All Energy as will those who come after you!”

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Wednesday, 1 April 2015


Welcome readers,I AM THE SHINING. What I have asked Jeannie to scribe for me is important information for each of you and for all who reside on Earth and throughout all Universes since change is now occurring everywhere.

Earth has just come through a momentous triple amount of energy changes with a Super Moon, the Spring Solstice and a Total Eclipse. And you have more similar energies coming next weekend, April fourth and fifth. This occurs during the weekend of Passover and Easter! Get Ready! If you have pets or animals of any kind, even fish, watch them and be prepared for their reactions! The majority will be running around, awakening you, madly dashing wherever they reside. Please note, this is done in complete joy, something your human populations seem to still react negatively to, because your minds think it is upsetting your balance. This is totally the opposite but still being so ingrained in your old patterns it is hard for your minds to accept the new. Stop listening to your mind chatter and how your body feels and begin to think with your open inner/sacred hearts. Doing this promotes acceptance. When in human form, worry (a negative) takes the place of acceptance and understanding. Tune in to your Higher Selves, the portion of your own multitudinous self that can and does instantly pull you out of your old patterning if you let it. Think of this part of you as the orchestra conductor leading you out of your doldrums and into peace, joy and love and packed with the information you need.

Therefore my dear ones, you really need to be aware of your actions and reactions to others from this point forward, so watch your language and what you are about to say. Follow the adage, “Think before you speak.” This new energy does settle into each of you and the planet after a day or three or even more in some cases. This energy is helping to clear the old patterns and it does take time for the new energies to fill your physical and psychological structures on all levels and in your multidimensional selves. Be aware at all times now of where your human mind is taking you!

There will also be some difficult weather patterns and Earth changes because this is what all of this is about – your changing planet – a cleansing of the old into the New Earth. What is so wonderful about this is that the majority of life forms are still here and will be here during this momentous change. To use your present day exclamation;WOW!


 I have entitled this Blog “LANGUAGE AND THE NEW ENERGIES” for a reason. It is time to really think and watch what is forming in your minds. Do away not only with words like can’t, couldn’t, won’t,or never, but any and every word or phrase that contains any negative connotation that prevents you from moving forward: “I’ll never finish; I didn’t (or don’t) think I could…, etc.” These keep you tied down into the old patterns as they bubble up in your thoughts, and also tend to make you feel old and tired because you are, within your newly energized bodies, being thrown back into the old patterns. Stay present in your now time. Do not keep going into what was, since that is being removed. By trying to stay in the old patterns you are disallowing the new ones to grow within your entire structures. When you feel this happening, you will also feel a change in your physiological forms back to the old ways of being – feeling sick, achy, frustrated, angry, etc., instead of healthy and vibrant. Again stay in the present with an OPEN HEART filled with LOVE and GRATITUDE FOR YOURSELVES! This allows you to heal more quickly and to feel love and gratitude towards all you meet.

Jeannie has asked me to add here, this does not mean you have to a perfect person or a “goodie two-shoes.” You are human and if you yell or curse, there is nothing wrong with that as long as you are still staying in the present and it does not push you back into the old patterns. Even though these reactions may show frustration, this can often lead to the good changes itself. And remember to LAUGH. LAUGH A LOT – EVEN AT YOURSELVES because this breaks up the miasma that has caused this reaction in you.

Also, at this time, your DNA/RNA patterns are being rejuvenated and the dormant strands are awakening and beginning to spread their wings within you. They have been dormant for thousands upon thousands of years, but this is now finished and therefore they are coming to life once again to help create you in The New Earth. In other life forms on our planet the DNA/RNA are all functioning but the so-called missing or dormant strands have been hidden from the view of scientists. This too is being changed. This is only one reason why the habitats and lives of so many species must be protected at all costs. They are here to teach you. Those that have recently left will return when the new Earth is finalized. Those who have mutated into destructive forms will not be able to withstand the vibrations of The New Earth and will fade into oblivion.

I ask and beg you to think about what I have written above for you. If you meditate, please meditate on this. If you do not meditate, reread this quite a few times. And use LOVE. Your own Love of Life and the Love from Source and all The Angelic Forces as well as all life forms from Beginning to Beginning of your vast universe. Everyone is going through the same thing, including my own multitudinous self, for I AM a part of you as you are a part of ME.

You are in process of shifting between dimensions three, four and five. You have been for some time now, but you are closer than you have ever been before as the vast majority travel easily between the third and fourth dimension. You are also going into the fifth dimension where your own reality slips away, yet your physical functions can still be performed easily. When you are doing this, you are helping all of life to sluff off the unwanted particles that are attached to them. Often most of you are not aware of doing this on a conscious level, but then realize time has flown by and what has transpired during that lapse of time you often think of as a daydream of sorts, or a memory lapse. It isn’t a lapse of anything and many people are beginning to do this consciously. This is also occurring during your sleep states until you become accustomed to it and allow your brain to translate into your waking states. Worry not. All is under control. Your brain and your physical form understand even if your present mind does not. Remember, your brain is the hard drive of your entire being and you will be well. Nothing untoward will happen to you because you are mightily protected from this time forward.

The aches and pains and other physical problems you are experiencing now are primarily due to these new energies mixed in with the old unnecessary patterns. These can be done away with by YOU. But you must do so in LOVE, not in FEAR, because there is nothing to fear. Feel into what is bothering you and give that disturbance or pain or illness LOVE. Do it over and over until you feel the changes occurring and the problem disappearing. Listen to your Heart and Brain at all times and keep that LOVE going because it is not only your LOVE but the LOVE of The Creator or Source, from which all energy emanates. BE AT PEACE WITH YOURSELVES AND LOVE YOUR TOTALITY AND ALL OF LIFE AND IT WILL BE SO. I GIVE YOU MY DEEP LOVE AND ADMIRATION FOR ALL YOU ARE GOING THROUGH AND ACCOMPLISHING. IT IS SO.

About Author:
I was born November 12, 1940 with many Psychic abilities and extreme sensitivities to people, animals and surroundings exhibiting themselves at an early age. Coming from a unique family, I was allowed a semi-free hand with my life, but it was strongly suggested I go into Elementary Education so I could earn money while pursuing my goals which also included Theatre Arts, Opera and Musical Theatre. I finally did as I was told and graduated with the proper credentials in Education and began teaching first in Central Harlem in New York City and then in East Harlem where I earned another license in music education. for more information:

Wednesday, 18 March 2015


Hello All!

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, you were always told you could be what you wanted to be. However, in your now time on your now planet, this varies quite considerable due to the number of different civilizations in existence on your planet, and their diverging philosophies.

In the more well-to-do Western cultures, if the parents and their religious philosophies so agree, the off-spring are told they can be whatever it is they want to be without question and everything is done to help them fulfill their dreams. Among the less advantaged groups, of which there are many, the off-spring are now beginning to find their own way which is all well and good. But there are still families that insist the children follow in the footsteps of the parents. However, the dreams still remain alive in the minds of the younger generation and that is excellent because it gives them hope, and through hope comes a new belief that anything and everything is possible for them and for their own off-spring. In many Eastern cultures, those so denied the abilities to achieve their dreams are now rebelling and being successful at beginning to make their dreams a reality. This, of course, has led to some consternation among those set in their old traditions. But slowly and surely those rebelling in one way or another are winning. Yes, there are a few groups are still intent upon taking over the world. But that is not a definitive part of this blog. Keep reading.

If you are completely satisfied as to where you are in your life and in what you are doing, you are remarkable in today’s world. So many are chomping at the bit waiting for their retirement time to arrive or to find the next step to take, or live in the midst of stress and family crises, it is making them ill physically, emotionally, and mentally, because they have not searched deep in their hearts, brains and minds for the most important part of life – Loving Yourself. If you do not love yourself you cannot possibly love anything else, not really or fully, even if you are a parent with children or a person with pets. As a result, strange things begin to occur within your current physical structure but you do not investigate the cause.  Instead you often run for medical advice and sometimes find frightening things wrong with your bodies, or even stump these experts. Fear not. Everything that happens to you now is because you are not loving yourself. This is not a selfish thing in anyway because the meaning of loving yourself is going deep within yourself to find the REAL YOU and your REAL ROOTS IN SOURCE.

2015 is the year of loving yourself and creating miracles. You are destined to find the REAL YOU and your purpose for being. It has been planned and it has been written about and spoken about all year long, even though the year is young and this will continue.

It is agreed by all that there are many disturbing elements being thrown in your faces and emotional bodies daily, and you think, because you were taught to do so by your societal structures, that the only way to treat this is to cry, howl and retreat within yourselves. It is your function to off-set all of this by LOVING YOURSELF and therefore finding your TRUE SELF, your reason for being here now. It makes you selfless. It makes you strong because you are now in charge of you!  And what is more, as you begin to achieve this, you begin creating the miracles you so desperately desire! You can create or change anything you want by using your hard-drive brain, your mind, your heart and Love of Self.

It is not difficult to do. All that is required is to shift in your Attitude into Gratitude.  This is much more than being grateful for what you have: it is being grateful for learning that you, as a human, are part of the Angelic Forces and always were, and therefore can easily have everything at your fingertips if you only ask for help and it is there for you as long as you listen!

Here is another clue: if you want to embody Source, or whatever you believe in, you have to out-source, which means raising your consciousnesses upwards as well as inwards and know (believe) that everything will be fine because you, just as everything on your planet is empathic, which makes each and every one of you an empath. Humans are just beginning to realize this whereas all other life forms on Earth have reached upwards and inwards with the aid of their Angelic Guardians for eons.

As an empath, you are also gifted as a creator because you can see what is really going on, and if you go from your human mind into the Quantum, you can out-picture what is and replace it with what it should be. You no longer live in the Dark Ages and as a result, anything coming from those times into the planet now, can be changed – BY YOU, THE CREATORS OF WHAT WILL BE because each of you has changed and/or is in the process of changing and becoming what you were originally meant to be here on your planet Gaia, Earth, or whatever name it has ever been given, The Co-Creators with Source.

About Author:
I was born November 12, 1940 with many Psychic abilities and extreme sensitivities to people, animals and surroundings exhibiting themselves at an early age. Coming from a unique family, I was allowed a semi-free hand with my life, but it was strongly suggested I go into Elementary Education so I could earn money while pursuing my goals which also included Theatre Arts, Opera and Musical Theatre. I finally did as I was told and graduated with the proper credentials in Education and began teaching first in Central Harlem in New York City and then in East Harlem where I earned another license in music education. for more information:

Tuesday, 10 February 2015


Hello All, and welcome to the February Blog. I have no idea where this will go or why I was given this title, but I’ve learned over time to follow directions J so here goes!

“Welcome, Dear Ones. We must begin with the derivation and definition of the word QUANTUM. Derivation: In Latin it simply means HOW MUCH; in 16th century England it came to mean QUANTITY.

“The word itself has been used in physics for years meaning 1) a discrete quantity of energy proportional to the frequency of the radiation it represents; 2) a required or allowed amount, especially an amount of money legally payable in damages. The Merriam-Webster definition: The smallest amount of many forms of energy (such as light).

“Similarly, as with everything else you have garnered, the quantum is a reality in cosmic form just as you are. It does exist within its own reality as do you and yet, everything now is even easier to reach and attain. Therefore, you can easily see why so many have latched on to the ideology of Quantum Healing, Quantum Boards, Quantum Space and much more. And yes, dear ones, it is all true. But let us simplify it for you: it is another dimension within your own dimension(s); it is a place within your own place, and is really so very accessible you can reach it in an instant if you so choose to do so because it is within each and every cell in your bodies, hearts, brains and minds. You want to quiet that old monkey mind – that part of your mind that keeps reminding you of all the things yet to be done such as picking up the dry cleaning, etc. Take a few deep breaths, let them out with a whoosh sound, and think QUANTUM and you are there because your brain, being the hard drive for your entire body is entirely within the quantum as is each and every cell of your being.

“It may seem strange to you that many intuitives are using this quantum dimension in trying to bring you into the full state of your being. They are only teaching you that another dimension of great importance and expansion does exist and is ready and willing to be used, even though the original definition states the smallest amount of many forms of energy (such as light.) We are ALL Light Beings no matter what dimension we exist in – physical or etheric. Remember please, that everything is thought and everything is a thought form in one way or another no matter where it resides because All Thought is Energy and we are ALL Energy because we are All Thought no matter whether we are physical or etheric.

“Within the total reality of All That Is, or Source, or God, everything is known and viewed together (physical, etheric, and quantum) as One. As of 2015 it is so much easier to just ‘Ask and You Shall Receive.’ Feel free to ask your Angelic Guardians for help and it will be so! We are all coming together to bring to fruition a new and stable situation for all planetary existences. This can now easily be done because we are all ONE within each and every reality that has ever existed. We all revolve around the same Energy Source no matter what it is called. Take advantage of this and begin to live your lives within All That Is completely, and you will find Love, Gratitude. Joy, and a new ease of achieving.

About Author:
I was born November 12, 1940 with many Psychic abilities and extreme sensitivities to people, animals and surroundings exhibiting themselves at an early age. Coming from a unique family, I was allowed a semi-free hand with my life, but it was strongly suggested I go into Elementary Education so I could earn money while pursuing my goals which also included Theatre Arts, Opera and Musical Theatre. I finally did as I was told and graduated with the proper credentials in Education and began teaching first in Central Harlem in New York City and then in East Harlem where I earned another license in music education. for more information:

Tuesday, 13 January 2015


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU AND YOURS and an exciting one it will be with many changes. The first change is personal. I have reconfigured my Mail Chimp Lists and any one you know who wants to sign up for my website, DIVINE LOVE-THE LIGHT THAT SHINES THROUGH US, will still receive the Meditation Gift since it is already on the website. What happened was that new people, and some people who were already signed up on the original list, signed up again for the free gift and therefore went into another list )not created by me, but by Mail Chimp as an automatic response. If you were one of those wonderful folks, you received two blogs since September. I do apologize for that. Now we are back to one main list! And what was more, the free gift wasn’t working properly, but it is now. Again, apologies.

My team and I are well aware that you, the readers, expect predictions as to what will occur in 2015 – and here comes my team, en masse: “We do not give predictions or prognosticate because everything is up to you. 2015 is a year of great change. However the change must come from within each and every one of you. It is not only a change in your “Spiritual” beliefs but a change within your psyches and your brains. It is now time for each and every person on the planet called Earth, to know deep within their hearts, souls, brains, minds, and bodies that you are not alone any more. We really mean that because you and we are one and the same energy, and therefore are closer than we have been throughout the past millennia when you were prevented from knowing us unless we were brought into your purview by your leaders, both religious and political.

“You all know that even the strongest of religions are trying to bring a new peace and harmony into the world. However they cannot do this alone. It is up to you because YOU ARE THE POWER. YOU ARE THE ‘I AM’ OF YOU in everything you say and do. ‘I AM’ is the phrasesymbolizing God.

“Some of these changes will be quick, others will take more time but by working together with us and with Source, the changes necessary for the next steps in your evolution via your own Conscious Creations, will manifest on your planet and on all otherplanets. You see, each and every part of existence anywhere is going through this change in one way or another.

“We hear you asking, how am I to do this? You have help. All the help you need and more, and you get this help by asking the Angelic Forces. Remember, “Ask and ye shall receive?” Well, dearest ones, this is now a TRUISM! It involves three of the many original Laws of Creation: THE LAW OF CONSEQUENCES; THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, and THE LAW OF GRACE. One cannot work without the other! But you must know WHO YOU ARE first, in order to achieve this magnificent and free assistance. You are all doing this now in small ways. However, it is the time for you to investigate how to go bigger and bigger and bigger with this,and STEP ONE is knowing you are THE GOD OF YOU! You now have all the assistance you need from the Angelic Forces because, as stated above and reiterated here, we are ALL ONE.

“If you feel something is wrong and speak out against it, do so in a manner that is peaceful and just for everyone involved and does not hurt anyone. Words are powerful.Even if you only think it, your thoughts are as powerful as your words because words and thoughts are all prayers. It is you and only you who can make the difference and build what you want for yourselves, your loved ones, and your planet!When you see any of the problems in and on your world, send Joy and Love, Joy and Love.This breaks up the massive crystallization around these problem areas. Yes, this will take time, but it will work!.We end this with this quote from David Ben-Gurion, for it is truth.”

About Author:
I was born November 12, 1940 with many Psychic abilities and extreme sensitivities to people, animals and surroundings exhibiting themselves at an early age. Coming from a unique family, I was allowed a semi-free hand with my life, but it was strongly suggested I go into Elementary Education so I could earn money while pursuing my goals which also included Theatre Arts, Opera and Musical Theatre. I finally did as I was told and graduated with the proper credentials in Education and began teaching first in Central Harlem in New York City and then in East Harlem where I earned another license in music education. for more information: