Hold on to your hats, dearest ones. This is just the beginning of all the changes that are in line and coming with great Love and Respect to you and all on the planet known as Earth. How to best get through this time? I am repeating here what has been posted as the guide for you. I AM SANANDA, and this I tell you, all will be well but it is imperative that you follow what has been given by Source and The Christos, comprised of all GreatEnergies from Beginning to Beginning to Beginning.
5/24/16 “Let the Newness begin! You know of The Violet Flame but do you know its source? It is comprised of the Sapphire Blue of All Energy (God) and the Feminine Polarity of The Holy Spirit, Vibrant Pink in color. When you claim or invoke your I AM PRESENCE use The Violet Flame. This is then sent outwards from you to everyone on the planet. By doing this you are transmuting everything that is negative. You do not need to be in a meditative state to do this. Just think it, whisper it in your mind for everything that to you is negative. Do this with great consistency thus hastening the creation of The New Earth. ANO SO IT IS.”
5/25/16 “One thing you will find when you are in your own I AM PRESENCE is that you SMILE. Have you figured out why? It’s because you are whole. It is so essential that you use what was written yesterday and have it become a usual part of your living. You will find when you do not use it, your own lives do not go as smoothly even if you are not the cause. YOU ARE NEEDED! IT IS SO.”
5/26/16 “With all that is going on and even though you are using your I AM PRESENCE and The Violet Flame, many of you are experiencing very strong mood swings as well as untoward aches and pains. Do not worry or fear, please. New energies have been released by the Pleiadians and all of Spirit into Earth and your bodies are reacting. If you feel you must go see a physician, do so, but know this will soon pass – including the difficult mood swings you are experiencing. Of course, the weather patterns are reacting as well. Use your I AM PRESENCE and The Violet Flame for yourselves and for everything now even more strongly than you have done thus far. WE THANK YOU. IT IS AND IT WILL AMELIORATE.”
I have asked Jean to leave the dates so that you see the newness – just a few short days ago. All of this is the result not only of the five planets in retrograde during the month of May, but of the great speaker-teachers around the planet all being given this information and translating and transferring it to you. Please note that many, many Beings from other planetary and star systems are imparting what they know will work for Earth, Tara, Gaia – all the incarnations of your planet.
Please know in your heart of hearts (which should always be open in LOVE now and forevermore) that success is yours. The New Earth is being formed by you and by all mentioned above. IT HAS BEEN DECREED TO BE SO. Know YOU are in charge as well. Therefore it is up to you to help with this work by doing as has been given above. This is not a joke or a waste of time. This is the NEW REALITY. The majority of life forms are still with you telling you, you will succeed. All of Life is newly awakened and can easily be communicated with. Speak even to the blades of grass and you will hear their response. BLESS and LOVE everything and everyone you come in contact with.Let The Violet Flame become an integral part of you and follow it with the Deep Purple of Saint Germain who is in charge of creating The New Earth with you. All is well. IT IS SO WITH DEEP LOVE AND RESPECT FOR YOU.
- Get more details : Successfully healer and teacher | Psychic energy healing
5/24/16 “Let the Newness begin! You know of The Violet Flame but do you know its source? It is comprised of the Sapphire Blue of All Energy (God) and the Feminine Polarity of The Holy Spirit, Vibrant Pink in color. When you claim or invoke your I AM PRESENCE use The Violet Flame. This is then sent outwards from you to everyone on the planet. By doing this you are transmuting everything that is negative. You do not need to be in a meditative state to do this. Just think it, whisper it in your mind for everything that to you is negative. Do this with great consistency thus hastening the creation of The New Earth. ANO SO IT IS.”
5/25/16 “One thing you will find when you are in your own I AM PRESENCE is that you SMILE. Have you figured out why? It’s because you are whole. It is so essential that you use what was written yesterday and have it become a usual part of your living. You will find when you do not use it, your own lives do not go as smoothly even if you are not the cause. YOU ARE NEEDED! IT IS SO.”
5/26/16 “With all that is going on and even though you are using your I AM PRESENCE and The Violet Flame, many of you are experiencing very strong mood swings as well as untoward aches and pains. Do not worry or fear, please. New energies have been released by the Pleiadians and all of Spirit into Earth and your bodies are reacting. If you feel you must go see a physician, do so, but know this will soon pass – including the difficult mood swings you are experiencing. Of course, the weather patterns are reacting as well. Use your I AM PRESENCE and The Violet Flame for yourselves and for everything now even more strongly than you have done thus far. WE THANK YOU. IT IS AND IT WILL AMELIORATE.”
I have asked Jean to leave the dates so that you see the newness – just a few short days ago. All of this is the result not only of the five planets in retrograde during the month of May, but of the great speaker-teachers around the planet all being given this information and translating and transferring it to you. Please note that many, many Beings from other planetary and star systems are imparting what they know will work for Earth, Tara, Gaia – all the incarnations of your planet.
Please know in your heart of hearts (which should always be open in LOVE now and forevermore) that success is yours. The New Earth is being formed by you and by all mentioned above. IT HAS BEEN DECREED TO BE SO. Know YOU are in charge as well. Therefore it is up to you to help with this work by doing as has been given above. This is not a joke or a waste of time. This is the NEW REALITY. The majority of life forms are still with you telling you, you will succeed. All of Life is newly awakened and can easily be communicated with. Speak even to the blades of grass and you will hear their response. BLESS and LOVE everything and everyone you come in contact with.Let The Violet Flame become an integral part of you and follow it with the Deep Purple of Saint Germain who is in charge of creating The New Earth with you. All is well. IT IS SO WITH DEEP LOVE AND RESPECT FOR YOU.
- Get more details : Successfully healer and teacher | Psychic energy healing