Monday, 15 August 2016


This past month you have been guided by different forms of All Energy. Ways of working have been given to you in Love, Joy and Happiness. Now it is your turn to put what has been given you to work, and to investigate this website for any private help you may require. Just look on the website but please note the prices are not written in stone. All Energy is more than willing to help you in this crucial time of change and the beginnings of your ascension (your own personal change which radiates out from you to the world and all universes!)

Now is YOUR time to activate yourselves, to go deep inside and pull up what you were born with, your own innate strength given into your DNA/RNA from the beginning of Time.Know all of the genetic markers have been changed (Epigenetics.)You have done this before on other planetary existences and the knowledge is still there. You are a culmination of many facets or parts and it is up to you to accept and love what you are no matter what you have ever done anywhere, or how you look or how you feel.Your past stores are no longer valid. Create NEW ONES!

You are here for a purpose and that is to KNOW you can achieve this because it is rightfully yours as given to you when you entered your first contract with All Energy at the very beginning of your first existence anywhere. This is true for all life forms, but the human life form in existence today has just begun to realize this. It was long hidden from you but all that has been uncloaked because your planet is changing as you well know. The ancient oppressions are no longer there unless you want them to be so. It is your choice as is EVERYTHING.Your past stores are no longer valid. Create NEW ONES!

It is completely understood that you can easily vacillate between what you know is the way you should go and then something or some thought or some pain comes up and backwards you go. Immediately stop what you are doing, open your heart wide and listen for that inner sound, the Light and the Presence of All Energy. It only take a moment to do this and you may have to do it 50 times a day but it will work. You see, dear ones, you are innately your own teachers. You are all shifting surely into human luminous light bodies through these changes in your thoughts, brains, and bodies. How wonderful!

Follow your path in righteousness and love and you will succeed.


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