Tuesday, 3 May 2016


Good Morning?! You awaken, not quite sure of where you are, even if you have children, spouses or pets calling for you in one way or another. You blink, shake your limbs, run to the bathroom and splash water on your face and then get into your daily routine with something deep in your conscious mind asking you to sit for a moment and try to remember why you awakened in this way.

You have your coffee or tea (extra strong) get the children ready for their day and/or tend to your pets and send everyone who resides with you on their way but still there is that nagging feeling in your consciousness. Do you take the time to sit down and ruminate or must you horridly get yourself ready to go to work? No matter what your life is like, these days everyone is going through the same thing.

You may even have arisen during the night and returned to your bed, falling back into the same dream state – amazing, isn’t it? You haven’t just been dreaming, you have either been teaching or investigating like a detective, seeing what others are doing with their lives and helping them. No, they don’t have names you remember and the places you are in seems sort of familiar. What’s going on? Did you stay up too late and watch television or read your favorite type of book and whatever it was stayed with you? Or did you watch the late night news and what you saw upset you?

None of the above is the reason. You are doing more than problem solving or trying to arrest your own deep fears, YOU ARE CHANGING! You are doing what you are supposed to do to help co-create The New Earth! You are in our own Power during these sleep states because you really have no choice! Your Angelic Guides are taking you on nightly trips to help others to realize what is happening to them and to Earth. Often you are visiting situations that are parts of your multidimensional selves, and you are assisting in resolving whatever problems they may have!

This is your clue to what you have been experiencing and it’s really quite wonderful because YOU ARE MAKING A DIFFERENCE! This is why you are here at this ‘time.’ This is what you came here to do no matter what your belief system.

You are losing your fears no matter what is actually going on in your country or in the world. Your sleep states are catalysts for you to bring back into your subconscious and then into your conscious mind, brain and heart the LOVE and LIGHT needed to help yourselves and all others.

There has been so much going on in your country and cities and towns you want to scream and cry. Do so. Let it all out and let your dreams bring all that is honorable and good back into your beings. YOU ARE IN CHARGE! Remember this always. Never give up your own POWER to anything else going on these days, anywhere.YOU ARE LOVED. IT IS SO.
- See more at :  Psychic researcher and healer | Energy healing center

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